Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Babies Love to Play WIth Wheels

Babies love to play with wheels, it is a commonly observed trait. Often you will find your little ones turning wheeled toys over so they can sit there and roll the wheels. It often won't matter that the toy may have lots of colourful buttons that when pressed sing songs and other fascinating noises, he or she will just turn it over and roll the wheels.

My year old son does this with heaps of his toys.

It is well known that kids love things that spin, whether its balls or spinning wheels, it is an exciting concept. Spinning things helps babies learn about cause and effect,  they smack the wheel and it continues to spin. I can see how it would be very fascinating when you realise for the first time that you can have an affect on an object even after you let it go.

You can find more information about wheeled toys at Wheeled Baby Toys


Monday, December 10, 2012

Recently Made Expert Author on EzineArticles.

Hi everybody, I was recently made an expert author on EzineArticles. This happened after submitting my Article about Helping Babies Learn To Walk.

I plan on publishing many more articles on EzineArticles, starting with some more about Toys and Toy related Learning.

If you would like to follow my EzineArticle submissions then you can subscribe through the following link.

Remember if you have any particular toys you would like to see discussed, then please feel free to post a comment.

Have Fun!

Luke J Thompson, EzineArticles Basic Author

Monday, December 3, 2012

Dinosaur Train Interaction - Toys that talk to each other

The new Dinosaur Train Interaction toys by Learning curve are simply really really cool. I would have loved something as amazing as this. These amazing dinosaurs actually communicate with each other. I am sure your kids and my little guy (in a year or two) will have lots of fun with these cool new toys.

I was walking through the toy store looking for a christmas present for my son when I came across these dinosaurs that said "press this button to hear me talk" so naturally I pressed it. The dinosaur then politely introduced itself as Buddy and then went on to say that I should do the same on one of its friends. So of course I pressed a different dinosaur's button which introduced himself as Tank, then much to my surprise Buddy pipes up and says "Hello Tank". So all of a sudden the game was on, I pressed every single different type of dinosaur I could find, they all told me their names and then they all started saying hello to each other, It was awesome. I then pressed one of the original Buddy again and he said "Everybody Ready" and Every dinosaur that I had pressed started singing. It was truly very very cool.
These amazing little toys use SmartTalk technology and are programmed with over 40 sounds and phrases. Not only do these little dinosaurs talk to each other but they can also move as well, robotic kids toys, who would have thought. There is quite a large range of these dinosaurs I counted over 10 different dinosaurs in the toy store when I was there and I am sure there would be more available.
To find out where you can get these little guys Simply click here for Buddy or Click here for Tank.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

LEGO! Love it.

Lego is one of the most popular toys of all time. Oh and its not just for kids, Lego is just as popular amongst serious collectors and just people who like to build models. I seriously enjoyed Lego as a kid and still do, I have a 10 month old son now so I can sort of use that as an excuse.

Do you have any fond memories of Lego? When I was about 3 years old my dad had a huge dining table that had a full Lego Town set up for me, It was complete with roads and everything. There was a service station, police station, fire brigade, hospital with a heli pad on top and a helicopter and so much more. I remember it so clearly, it was awesome. My dad would have spent so much time on it, only for me to break into the room , climb up onto the table, sit in the middle of the town, probably on a building and play with everything. Apparently I pulled most of it apart in the process, but I don't remember breaking any of it.

Thats my story anyway, Whats yours?
If you would like to contact or join our community come by and have a look at our facebook page Lets Talk Toys

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Let your Baby Learn to Drive!

Let your baby learn to drive. You have to be kidding you say, well your right I am. But I do know your baby will love playing with the Fisher price rumble driver. Adam has an absolute ball playing with his Fisher Price Rumble Driver.
This is an amazing toy that my son Adam spends hours playing with. He particularly loves turning the wheel to watch the little figure on the dashboard move from side to side. His other favourite part of this toy is the green gearstick knob which when pulled down and pushed forward makes the toy vibrate and rumble as if the car is moving. This toy sings numerous songs when different parts of the toy are engaged, it also has the learning mode which states things like "turning left".

With the flick of a switch you can move between the song mode and learning mode, which varies the stimulus your child gets. This Fisher Price toy also has the option of silent and two different sound levels. All in all a great baby toy, one that Adam has been playing with from the age of 5 months, when he first started sitting up. Want to see a page with more Fisher Price Reviews, Have a look at this. 

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Fisher Price Walker, Great Gift Idea

The Fisher Price Walker is an amazing walker that Adam has an absolute ball playing with. If you click through to the review page you can see the photos of the little guy actually using the fisher price walker. It is such a stable walker, he can even stand up using the walker as support. Not many walkers can claim the same. Adam spends hours playing with the activity panel of this walker. He just loves the green ball that is attached to a spring, he loves making it spring back and forth over and over again. His favourite part of the whole thing is the ball which he can spin, it has colourful balls which bounce around inside making a great rattling sound. All in all a great walker. Adam loves it.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Fisher Price Digital Camera

Ever noticed that your kid is intensely interested in whatever you are doing. This is normal, they see you doing stuff and want to do the same. It is quite cute actually when you think about it, because they want to be like you. So you may like photography and as I know I do, I have some pretty expensive cameras and feel quite bad when I tell kids they cant touch. The fisher price digital camera is the answer to this problem, Your little one can follow you around with their own kids safe digital camera. Excellent idea? I thought so too. I actually bought one for my three and half year old nephew, he seems to think its pretty damn good. I am glad.
Have Fun!


Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Meet Adam From Adam's Babies Toys

Hello Adam! Adam is a 10 month old boy who loves to play with his toys, just like any baby out there does. Am I right, of course all babies like to play, it is a part of learning. Babies learn so much when they are playing, How things move and what things feel like and of course what absolutely everything tastes like. Here we are going to talk about new toys ones specifically that adam has tried and loved and believe me there have been some that he doesn't. So over the course of this blog we will outline all of the toys that adam likes and dislikes. As Adam grows older we can also look at what he has maintained interest in, essentially showing its value for money the longer the toys holds his interest. Now all babies have different interests but this can at least give you an idea. Adam has so far assisted in a few articles on Toy reviews so far including Lamaze Robot Baby Toy and Fisher Price Baby Toys.
Keep Playing, it keeps you young!